
This year’s NECF 40 Days of Fast & Prayer (7 August – 15 September) carries such a beautiful call to know God’s heart. More than at any time, we need to know His heart and not just His mind or His hands. It’s only as we know His heart, that out of our hearts will flow rivers of living water to saturate our homes, our churches and our communities in the midst of so much turbulence and overwhelming uncertainties.

We would hence urge you to participate in this National Fast and Prayer by:

  • Setting up a daily devotion using the NECF prayer booklet
  • Joining your church prayer altars
  • Joining the MUFW early morning altars (6.30am-8.00am) and the Night Altars (11.00pm-12.30am) starting from 8 August to 14 September

May the Lord truly bless You to know Him more as you seek His face.


PRAYERS (taken from NECF Prayer Booklet)

10 Aug (Wed)

Lord Jesus, how blessed it is to enter into Your presence, for in Your presence, there is liberty, fullest of joy, rest, time of refreshing and glory. Give us the desire that loves to behold Your face so that we will find comfort and strength as we abide in You. Amen!

Advances in technology have caused a lack of interpersonal communication channels and skills in youth and children. Pray that parents, educators, and churches, and so on, would work to help youths and children overcome this relationship hurdle.

Pray against the spirit that works behind racism and extremism, and that Malaysians would be sober and alert, and not be easily manipulated by all the evil that divides and disrupts our peace.

11 Aug (Thu)

Lord Jesus, as we ponder upon Job’s life, we find hope during our pains and troubles. You do tear down some parts of our lives or even our nation, but You do rebuild them in Your time. Help us to truly come to comprehend Your Word even as we recite, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Amen!

Online romance has become a convenient way for many youths today to start a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. Pray that they would be kept away from the evil ones and that intentional harm and deceptions would not be a stumbling block in their pursuit of true love and relationships.

Pray that young, energetic leaders who are filled with vision and dreams would come forth and drive this nation in the pursuit of peace, righteousness, fairness, and justice.


12 Aug (Fri)

Lord Jesus, it is because You live that we have hope for the future. Help us to break free from whatever disappointments or discouragements we are experiencing. May we find new strength and hope in You. Amen.

Metaverse has created a 3D universal virtual world of connections for youths to explore their dreams and desires. Pray that it would not be misused by those with evil intentions, and that youths would know how to differentiate the real from the virtual.

Pray that the Prime Minister of Malaysia would be faithful in playing his role to provide godly and sound advice to our Agong, and that he would be wise and prudent in his leadership over the nation.


13 Aug (Sat)

Lord Jesus, we will learn to be still before You and trust that Your wisdom goes beyond our understanding. We allow You to do whatever You need to in our lives so that, as we are shaped under Your hand, we would come forth stronger and wiser. Amen.

An average of 14 unmarried teenaged/underage girls out of 1,000 in Malaysia get pregnant yearly, especially those from low- income families. Pray that youths would be directed to channel their energy towards constructive and healthy activities and pursuits, and that they would not easily yield to temptations.

The withdrawal schemes from EPF during the pandemic resulted in thin savings for nearly 50% of contributors and, therefore, a threat of financial shortages in their retirement. Pray that both the government and affected individuals would have wisdom to deal with the problem and that the grace of God would sustain them through their difficulties.


14 Aug (Sun)

Lord Jesus, we want to fix our eyes on You because there is nothing but a pool of sinking sand all around us. Help us to hold tightly to You and let loose of those things that are temporal. For, in Your time, our Heavenly Father shall restore all things in You. Amen.

Statistics show that a baby is dumped every three days and that it has been happening over the last decade, with half found dead. Pray that youth would have a heart that fears God and understands the principle of the sanctity of life.

Pray that the country’s overall drainage system would be improved and strengthened, and operation failures rectified so that places suffering from flood issues would be spared from more disasters.

NECF 40 Days Prayer & Fast Booklet:

Download (PDF, 9.69MB)