(11 December 2022 – 20 January 2023)



Isaiah 43:1-3; 18 NLT

1 But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you.

O Israel, the one who formed you says,

“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you.

I have called you by name; you are mine.

2 When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.

When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown.

When you walk through the fire of oppression,

you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.

3 For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.

18 “But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do.


Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”


GE 15 marks the birthing of a “new thing” that God is doing in our land. What we saw is more than just a new political breakthrough, but a New Breakthrough Anointing that God wants to bring to His church in Malaysia.

This means that we cannot just do nothing or even do the same thing – no, we must now follow the call of the Holy Spirit to do the NEXT THING so that we can birth the “NEW THING” that God wants to usher into our land.

The next 40 days between December 2022 and January 2023 is critical. It is a time for us all to rise to yet another level of anointing and authority. As we pray, the corporate breakthrough in our churches will lead to miracles, signs and wonders, reconciliation in families, churches and people groups. Salvation will come to many as the water of the Holy Spirit flows, “making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Is 43:19).

We are hence inviting all of you to join us for 24 hours of prayer and worship from December 11th to January 20th, and together we will lift up holy hands to the throne of the LORD like Moses, Aaron and Hur in Exodus 17:8-16 (v 16 “For hands were lifted up to the throne of the LORD.”).



Lord, we declare this is the time of a New Breakthrough Anointing for us in Malaysia. We join You to pray for

1. A New Spirit

  • Of revival and awakening where relentless prayer and intercession will flow, breaking through dry ground and allowing Your Presence to abide in our land, watering even hard ground.
  • Of steadfast faith in You, not fixing our eyes on what is seen but on You, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
  • Of willingness to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit into places we have never been before.


Lord, we ask for a breakthrough spirit of worship and intercession that will exalt the Name of our Lord. We pray for many prayer altars to be built in our families, our churches and our states to saturate our land with Your Holy Presence. We declare that we want to see Your glory come and fill Malaysia as the waters cover the sea.


2. A New Heart

  • To love the land and its people as You love this land.
  • To love one another as You have loved us, and not to judge or condemn anyone but to consider others better than ourselves. (John 15: 12; Philippians 2: 2-4)
  • To seek a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness in our families, churches and among the different races and ethnic groups, bringing healing to our land. (2 Cor 5:18-20)
  • To flow with One heart and One mind to birth a new Malaysia where love, harmony and mutual respect will become the core values of our land.


Lord, we declare that Your love will fill us and we will overcome fear, hatred, animosity with love. We give thanks for the grace of reconciliation so that there is a deep healing of wounds among all the races.

We pray for our leaders that they will catch this new spirit of love for this land and her people. We pray for them that they will not be overcome by pride, selfish ambition, or by the slanders and strife that encircle them. Rather give our leaders a God-anointed oneness of spirit to love and serve the Rakyat, focusing on this goal and moving away from the power struggles for personal glory.


3. A New Mindset

  • For all of us to have a renewed mindset, not copying the behavior and customs of the people around us, but rather allowing God’s word to transform us into a new person by changing the way we think. (Romans 12:2)
  • For a mind fixed on You to overcome anxiety, fear and prejudice when mingling with different ethnic groups, so that we become agents of change, reconciliation, blessing and peace.
  • For the church to be given the keys of the kingdom to open doors of outreach, do acts of kindness and love to the many unreached people in our neighborhood.


We pray for such a God-anointed new mindset of peace to come upon our leaders, so that they will not give in to the spirit of craftiness, betrayal, deceit and manipulation.


4. A New Wisdom

  • For a spirit of divine wisdom to be given to our Prime Minister and his team as they lead and govern this nation. We ask that this wisdom coming from heaven will bring purity of heart and love for peace. This wisdom will also make them considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. (James 3: 13-18)
  • For a spirit of humility in our leaders to seek counsel from others and not to be taken up by human ego or distracted by the power struggles all around them.
  • We stand together to shield our prime minister and all the political leaders from demonic wisdom that is full of selfish ambition, envy, disorder and evil practices. We block out every evil incantation upon their minds and spirits.
  • For the church leaders to be given also a spirit of wisdom and discernment, so that they can see clearly the snares and traps of the evil one.



Our Heavenly Father, this is the time You have called us to be ONE in our intercession so as to break the strongholds of darkness in our nation. This is also the time You have called us to come into a new season of ‘breakthrough’ and a NEW ANOINTING so that nothing can stand against the power of Your church. Therefore Lord, help us to stay on course and to build our relationship with You, and not to move away from this spiritual position that You have given us.

May Your kingdom come and Your will be done in Malaysia as it is done in heaven. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.

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