NECF 40 Days Fast & Prayer
7 August – 15 September 2021
We are so blessed that you are participating in this year’s 40 days of National Fast and Prayer.
You can download the NECF Prayer Booklet via this link ( or alternatively you can also download the NECF App onto your handphone/tablet to access the prayer booklet.
What you can do:
The NECF Prayer Booklet has a daily devotion, a daily bible reading and a daily prayer guide.
You can choose to follow it every day or on the days you have chosen as your FireWall prayer slots.
We encourage you to fast at least one meal per day and to join with others in corporate prayer. Do join your church and prayer network in prayer.
MUFW will also be having corporate prayer, open to all, from Mondays to Fridays, from 6am to 8am.
Do join us by logging into this link (
Prayer Points
The following prayer points are taken from NECF’s The 40-Days Fast & Prayer 2021 booklet:
- Pray that as we start this 40-Day fast and prayer for the nation, we will learn to be still before God, to get to know Him more through His living Word and His works in our lives, and that we will be touched by His love, sparking growth in our love for others.
- Pray that Christians across Malaysia will encounter God in an intimate way during this stressful and difficult season. As a city of God, may the Church shine and illuminate our communities with the light of His Word and invite them to come to know Jesus, the light of the world.
- Pray that the children of Orang Asli and Orang Asal will receive the same rights as other Malaysians and that they will not be exploited in the labour market and be exposed to all kinds of unnecessary risks.
- Pray that we will have a strong desire and determination to enter our chambers, and to commune with God in a way that we have never before experienced.
- Pray that as parents, pastors, teachers and leaders in our respective capacities, we will draw near to God and be able to hear clearly from God so that we will know the way to go and lead our families, churches, students, subordinates, etc., into the divine plans of God.
- Pray for the Orang Asli and Orang Asal who are experiencing enforced dislocation due to various uncontrolled reasons, that they will find good and balanced ways to settle themselves and continue to earn enough to provide for their households.
- Pray that we will seek God above all else and prioritize our time, focus, ambitions and resources in the things that build or yield the eternal value of God.
- Pray that churches and Christians will be confident of who we are as the promised children of God, and that we will not be terrified or wearied by what happens around us but will instead walk in the Spirit and trust in God’s ways of handling challenging times in our nation.
- Pray that the deficient transportation systems found among the Orang Asli and Orang Asal’s villages will be effectively solved by the relevantauthorities soon.
- Pray that we will break free from a lifestyle and culture that is performance- oriented, that our relationship with God will not be superficial but instead will be a deep interactive fellowship where we find rest in Him.
- Pray for people around us who have yet to know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour, that they will not be overwhelmed by heavy burdens and weariness, but will seek solutions and find rest in Him instead.
- Pray that more healthcare professionals and volunteers will serve the Orang Asli and Orang Asal who live in places with no close access tohospitals or clinics.
- Pray that, in the midst of God’s work of shaking and sifting, we will be willing to be set apart and live an uncompromised lifestyle, and not flow with the tide of the world but will be wise instead, keeping watch and beholding the works of God.
- Pray that more Spirit-filled leaders as well as leaders with vision and a sense of kingdom purpose and destiny will take up leadership roles in all institutions, including those in government and churches, and that they will work and serve with the wisdom of God to bring blessings to all.
- Pray for more low-cost houses to be built to facilitate the needs of the communities of the Orang Asli and Orang Asal.
- Pray that, as people of God, we will be quick to repent and turn away from our sins or wrongdoings upon the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the witness of His living Word.
- Pray that, as the light of Christ shines forth, many will find their hope in Him and be illuminated by the work of the Holy Spirit, having their hearts softened by the power of God, and eventually giving their hearts to Jesus.
- Pray that the Malaysian government will look intently and responsibly into the issue of environmental pollution and harassment that threatensthe health and safety of the many Orang Asli and Orang Asal villagers and grant them their needed aid.
- Pray that our thoughts and behaviour will be agreeable to our belief and confession. Ask the Holy Spirit to convict us of areas where we need to repent and start responding to His impression.
- Pray that churches in Malaysia will shine brightly like the city on the hill where our good behaviour will be seen by all in our communities so that God will receive all the glory and praise that is due to Him.
- Pray that the Orang Asli and Orang Asal villages that are deprived of electricity and basic amenities will receive their supplies, so that their living conditions can be further improved overall.
- Pray and invite God to be the centre of our lives now so that a transformation in our minds and behavior will take place in both our inner and outer lives as we respond to His living Word and instructions.
- Pray that we, the Malaysian Church, will make God the centre of our worship, and that we will internalize the biblical values we receive each day, and connect and relate to one another as a Body of Christ and live under the blessings of more perfect unity.
- Pray that JAKOA, the Department that looks specifically into the Orang Asli’s affairs and interests, will execute projects that help build and develop the infrastructure of the OA villages so that their real needs will be met promptly.
- Pray that real reorientation will occur in every one of us who professes Christ, and that we will let go of the old and embrace the new things Christ has for us.
- Pray that we, the Malaysian Church, will strive to make disciples wherever we reside. Pray that every effort that churches have devoted to disciple-making will enhance the spirituality of their members and make them Christ-centred disciples.
- Pray that there will be a breakthrough in the relationship among all Orang Asli and Orang Asal, that every tribe will be at peace and relate well with others.
- Pray that we will rid ourselves of anything that causes us to be separated from God or to hesitate to come before His throne of grace, and that we will set our minds and hearts to live holy lifestyles before Him.
- Pray that churches in Malaysia will partner with one another in prayer and ministries and lend our support to one another so that houses of God shall suffer no lack physically and spiritually wherever we are and whatever circumstances we are in.
- Pray that all the ministry work done among Orang Asli and Orang Asal groups will bear fruit and their young people and future generations will be blessed greatly by the work of the Gospel.
- Pray that as the created and redeemed people of God, we will seek to live holy lifestyles that reflect the image of God and be assured of His holy presence whenever we present ourselves clean and blameless before Him.
- Pray for the B40 group who receives yearly subsidies and budget allocations from the government, that they will be assisted further with long term skill enhancement programs that will help them break their poverty cycle.
- Pray for the Kensiu group that is mainly found in Baling, Kedah, that they will be able to cope with the environmental and social changes brought forth by government projects and that they will experience God’s holy righteousness when they call upon Him for aid.
- Pray that in times when we cannot understand God’s ways, we will be assured of His heart that is full of lovingkindness for us so that we can gain confidence, hope and strength to move on in all circumstances.
- Pray that our social and work culture will help the younger generation excel in their talents and strengths, and that more young people will be willing to stay on to help develop our nation.
- Thank God for the effort poured out by different quarters in preserving the traditional culture and language of the Kayaman who live along the Rajang River, Sarawak. Pray that evangelism among them will be equally strong and active so that they will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray that we will have a deeper encounter and personal walk with God, that we will discover Him more, and grow to become more like Him and less like us.
- Pray that Malaysians will always be entitled to the freedom of expression, that they will use this right with a positive and constructive manner,whether personal or corporate, online or offline platforms, and that religion will always be discussed sensitively and wisely.
- Pray for the Temoq group in Temerloh, Pahang, that they will experience the unconditional acceptance of Christ and be healed of the rejection they feel from being classified as wild and uncultured people who are not welcomed by others.
- Pray that, as the people of God, our minds and actions will not be swayed by the patterns or winds of this world but will instead stand firmly on the solid Word of God and remain faithful to Him in all circumstances.
- Pray that those who are in different political camps will hold on to the beliefs and values of their parties as long as they are ethical so that their constituents will be able to trust them as their representatives to help air their needs.
- Pray for the Kanowit group in Kampung Bedil along the Rajang River, Sarawak, that their basic rights will be preserved even when they are losing their language by assimilation, and that they will regain their true identity in Christ Jesus.
- As God is alive and living in us, pray that we will have fresh encounters with Him and lead vibrant spiritual lives as we fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on a daily basis.
- Pray for laws of protection over children’s rights, that they will not be preyed on by others, especially in the states of Sabah, Sarawak and Kelantan where child marriage is actively practiced as seen in the statistics for the year 2020.
- Pray for the Jah Hut (or Cheres) group, who is mainly found in Jerantut and Termeloh in Pahang, that God will grant them justice and that they will find comfort and strength in Christ whenever they face exploitation in the labour market.
- Pray that we will learn to be still before new challenges or obstacles and look back to the wonderful acts of God and be reminded of His unfailing presence as we walk in His divine plans. Pray for new courage to move on as we put our full trust in Him.
- Pray for good communication and coordination among all the Cabinet ministers, that the entire executive team will be strengthened with solid brainstorming and a valuable and effective combination of expertise.
- Pray for the children of the Orang Kuala Duano who live in Pontian and Batu Pahat, Johor that they would cultivate a strong interest in pursuing tertiary studies as a proper education would give them options for better jobs and living conditions.
- Pray, as we meditate on the Word of God, that we will constantly be reminded of His faithfulness in our lives, and how He had shown His grace and mercy throughout our lifetimes, that we will be grateful for all that He has done for us.
- Socso has reported about 10,000 cases of monthly unemployment in 2020 since the outbreak of Covid-19. Pray that the government will implement strategic economic plans that help stimulate economic growth and create more jobs for the people.
- The “Jakun,” which means “slaves”, is the second largest group among the Orang Asli groups who live mainly in Johor and Pahang. Pray that they will come to realize their true identity in Christ, and willingly serve Jesus as their One and Only Master.
- Pray that we will be Christians who live a consistent lifestyle, that we will not allow our faith to be compartmentalized, but instead, live out what we do believe and profess.
- Pray for those who suffer depression and brokenness due to financial, family, health or relational stress, etc. during the pandemic season, thatGod will heal them supernaturally and that they will find strength, hope and light in Christ Jesus by various means.
- The Sian people is a small group. Pray that their voices will be heard, and that they will have the rights and welfare entitled to every Malaysian citizen. Pray that God will shower His grace upon them like how He showered His grace upon the Israelites, the smallest tribe among the nation.
- Pray that we will run the race and end it well towards obtaining the heavenly goals by keeping that unbroken and intimate relationship with our God.
- Pray for the many migrant workers in Malaysia who are suffering severely due to the consequences of the pandemic. Pray that those who are out of jobs will be able to find their way back home to their families, and that those who stay on will be protected and cared for properly by their employers.
- The Gospel has reached most of the Penan groups in Sarawak. Pray that they will continue to experience Christ in their daily walk with Him, and that God will open the door not only for them to find their identity in Christ but also to hold Malaysian identity cards and have access to free education and other welfare programmes.
- Pray that we will cultivate the habit of constantly recalling God’s greatness and wonderful acts, be it personally or collectively as a church or family so that our faith can be strengthened each time we remember them.
- Pray for both the educators and the students to adjust well with changes that take place in the education sectors. Pray for all teachers that they would have the wisdom, skills and techniques to make their lessons more lively and interactive so that students would find them interesting to learn.
- Pray for the Murik groups that reside in longhouses built along the Baram River in Sarawak that they would embrace a life in Christ Jesus. Pray that those who have accepted Christ will be discipled in the Word of God.
- Pray that we will put our full trust in God as we journey through the new normal, praying especially for Christians to be united as we serve Him, knowing that all we do is for the expansion of His Kingdom and His glory.
- Pray that the National Tourism Policy 2020-2030 implemented by the Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia Ministry (Motac) will effectively bring in economic and income growth through future projects carried out under the ministry.
- A significant number of Bajau Laut are still illiterate, uneducated, and impoverished because of their nomadic lifestyle. Pray for these “seagypsies” in Sabah, that their young ones will have access to proper education channels and assistance.
- Pray for your children and the youth, that they will constantly be reminded of His works and His mighty acts in their lives, and that they will hold fast to the faith no matter what happens in the world.
- Pray for awareness to rise among the youths so that they will value their chastity and see lives as sacred gifts from God, and that they will not violate the purity of one another or commit abortions. Pray that they will have proper channels to seek help whenever they encounter challenges in life.
- Pray for the overall relevancy of programs and policies run by the education system/schools in the villages where the indigenous people are, and that they will have enough teachers and manpower to facilitate the needs and holistic growth of the students.
- Pray that we will learn to throw off everything that hinders and weakens us and instead, keep depending on His indwelling so that we will be empowered to do all things through Him who gives us strength.
- Pray for the Malaysian medical teams who have been fighting against different contagious viruses and diseases as front-liners, that they will be vigilant in self-care and protection, and that the peace of God will guard over their minds and hearts.
- Pray that the government and NGOs will come out with measurable ways to help the general indigenous groups in Malaysia break free from their poverty circles that have existed for centuries.
This worldwide pandemic reveals that we live in a world not only in need of healing, but we live in a time where our hearts are also in peril. But God has an answer to the problems that plague our world and fester in the human heart. His remedy begins when His people pray according to 2 Chronicles 7:14.
If My people who are called by My Name
Heavenly Father, we thank You that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to You, because when You shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among Your people, You promise that if we, Your people, who are called by Your name, will humble ourselves and pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven and will forgive our sin and will heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:13-14).
Will humble themselves
Father, we come before You on bended knees with a broken spirit and a contrite heart (Psalm 51:17) to humbly acknowledge that we have sinned against You. We want to stop depending on our own strength. We want to depend solely on the power of Your Spirit and the leading of Your voice. Lord, we humble ourselves by complete submission to Your will. We yield to You and give You full control of our life. We allow You to mould our desires, beliefs, attitudes and behaviours according to Your will, so that we are transformed to be like Christ and walk in complete obedience to You. You will revive the spirit of the lowly and the heart of the contrite (Isaiah 57:15) because You oppose the proud but give grace to the humble (James 4:6).
And pray
Lord Jesus, You teach us to always pray and not lose hope or give up even when the situation looks desperate. Help us to persist and prevail in prayer unceasingly even when the circumstances around us look hopeless because it is the key to persevering in faithfulness and pursuing revival. Awaken us from our slumber and strengthen us spiritually and physically, so that we may be vigilant to watch and pray that we will not fall into temptation. Holy Spirit, intercede for us with groans that words cannot express, for You intercede for the saints in accordance with Your will. Let us travail until we birth forth Your purposes for this land. We desperately need You Lord, to revive us by filling us with Your presence and power in a fresh way because in Your presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore.
And seek My face
We are called to seek Your face – to stop looking for help and purpose in ourselves and in life. The church is not called to seek the ways and opinions of the world, or the halls of academia or politics or the inventions of science. We are called to seek the face of God! Give us such a desperation and hunger for You Lord, that like Jacob, we are willing to pay the price of not giving up wrestling in prayer until we are revived and our church restored. Let us actively pursue You day and night because those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be satisfied (Matthew 5:6). Plow the hard ground of our hearts, for now is the time to seek You Lord, that You may come and shower righteousness upon us (Hosea 10:12). Lord, as we seek You, we will find You when we seek You with all our heart (Jeremiah 29:13).Then You will guide us continually, giving us water when we are dry and restoring our strength. We will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring (Isaiah 58:11).
And turn from their wicked ways
Father, If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened to my prayers (Psalm 66:18). I know that revival will never happen in my life until I turn from my wicked ways (repent of sins you may have). We repent of having a form of godliness but denying its power. We turn from all things that defile us or hinder our prayers. We turn from the belief that we know better than God – trusting our mind and intellect over the mind of Christ and the wisdom of the Spirit. We turn from disunity and divisions in the body – not loving others as we love ourselves.
We want to return to You Lord, so that You will return to us. As we humble ourselves, pray and seek Your face and turn from our wicked ways, You will hear us from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our lives, families, churches, communities and nation. Lord, open the heavens and let there be a mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit so that there will be a great revival in our land! In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.