Declare Psalm 93

1 The Lord is king! He is robed in majesty.

Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.

The world (Malaysia) stands firm and cannot be shaken.

2 Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial.

You yourself are from the everlasting past.

3 The floods have risen up, O Lord.  The floods have roared like thunder;

the floods have lifted their pounding waves.

4 But mightier than the violent raging of the seas,

mightier than the breakers on the shore— the Lord above is mightier than these!

5 Your royal laws cannot be changed.

Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.




Almighty God, we praise You, O Lord.

May You, O Lord, now be lifted high over Malaysia.

Bow down Your heavens, O Lord, and come down;

Stretch out Your hand from above;

Rescue us in Malaysia and deliver us out of great waters,

From the hand of wickedness and those whose mouth speaks lying words,

And whose right hand is a right hand of falsehood. (Ps 144: 5-8)

We now declare that the anti-hopping law will be passed with triumph and overwhelming majority, so that the hand of deceit will be broken from our land.

In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.




Lord, we praise Your holy Name. You, O Lord, art King forever! Your royal laws cannot be changed. Your reign, O Lord, is holy. You are robed in majesty and armed with strength. Lord, today we declare that it was You who created the land of Sarawak: its mighty forests, its rivers and lofty mountains, the hornbills, the many indigenous tribes and people with such a rich heritage. All these belong to YOU.

Through You, the land and the people of Sarawak stand firm and cannot be shaken.

So, O Mighty God, we come before You at this critical hour to ask that this land of Sarawak will always come under Your Holy Reign. We ask that Sarawak will never be surrendered to forces of darkness and evil. Help us now to take our position to stand in the gap on behalf of this land. May the purpose You have decreed for Sarawak come into fruitfulness this day. May all her people from every tongue and tribe unite to rise to their full destiny, so that Sarawak’s light will shine ever brighter, bringing glory to Jesus our Lord and King. In Jesus’ Name we pray, amen.



  • The State Election Commission
    • Pray for the State Election Commission to carry out a fair, just, clean and smooth election.
    • Pray for the enforcement of comprehensive SOP guidelines that will prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus.


  • The Voters
    • Pray for the voters to have godly wisdom and discernment to vote for God- fearing, righteous and competent candidates (regardless of party affiliation, race or religion) who will sincerely care for the well-being of Sarawakians and the development of the state.
    • Pray for the rural folks not to be deceived by false propaganda and monetary gains. Pray that all will vote with godly fear, integrity and conscience.
    • Pray for a good turnout of voters so that the elected government is a true reflection of the choice and will of the citizens.


  • The Candidates
    • Pray that ungodly candidates whose hearts are corrupt, self-serving, deceitful and divisive will not be voted into the government.
    • Pray that upright men and women will arise to be selected as candidates and God will uphold them and no evil and deceiving spirits can stop those whom God has ordained.



  • Repent that in our ignorance and complacency, we have not been vigilant in raising altars of prayer in the land. This has allowed forces of darkness to come and take control.
  • Pray that the Lord will use this election to awaken the believers of Sarawak to take up their position in strong prayers throughout the land.
  • Pray for a mighty spirit of worship and prayer to saturate every longhouse, village and town to counteract the spirit of witchcraft.
  • Pray that as all God’s people from every tribe come together to pray, the Lord will command a blessing and send His heavenly hosts to take control of the spiritual realm over Sarawak.



  • Pray that religious freedom will never be taken away.
  • Pray that the new state government will never surrender the right to religious freedom for all the citizens of Sarawak. Pray they will protect the welfare and rights of all Sarawakians.


  • Pray for great economic advancements for all races and tribes.
  • Pray that the elected state government will create policies to advance the development and improve the economy of the state by creating more job opportunities.
  • Pray for the enforcement of equal distribution of wealth.
  • Pray for improvement of the lives of its citizens, especially those who are poor and in the interior.


  • Pray for good infrastructure to come to all of Sarawak.
  • Pray for the funding and equipping of public hospitals.
  • Pray for improved internet connectivity throughout Sarawak that will impact both the living standards and education of Sarawak.


  • Pray for wisdom to control Covid-19 during this election period.
  • Pray for the State Health Department to create ways to control the Covid-19 pandemic and reduce severe ICU cases and fatalities. Pray for smooth transition into the endemic phase so that all sectors from businesses, factories and schools can safely remain open without health risk to children and the vulnerable.



Lord, this day we declare that You alone can exalt a man. It is God who judges, He brings one down and exalts another. Today, we ask that You will cut off the horns of the wicked but let the horns of the righteous be lifted up (Ps 75:7-10).

In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.


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