We want to give thanks to God for speaking to us and for showing us His heart’s desire for our nation in our 40 days of Fasting and Prayer.  We believe many of you have grown to know and love God more and are eager to grow in your prayer life.

Malaysia is entering a very critical season even as she prepares for GE 15. The time to come together to contend for her destiny is NOW.

Because of this, MUFW would like you to join us in Building Prayer Altars throughout the land of Malaysia.

What is the difference between a Prayer Altar and Praying? 

  1. There is a focus on thirsting for the Presence of God (Psalm 84:1-2) vs only wanting to see our needs met. He knows what we need even before we ask Him (Matt 6:8-14; 25-34).
  2. As we consistently build our Prayer Altars, the tangible Presence of God will bring a Change in the Atmosphere over ourselves, our homes, our churches, and even over our cities.
  3. The agenda of the Prayer Altar is to Seek God’s Will and God’s Agenda for ourselves, our churches and our nation vs what we want and desire.


This project starts with us using our personal prayer time to build our own Personal Prayer Altar.

From our personal encounter with God in our Personal Altars, we will then ask the Lord to help us build our Family Altars, Church Altars and even a city-wide Community Altar. It is this Network of Holy Altars that will cause the manifest Presence of God to come upon our land and the grip of darkness to be weakened and broken over our land – and that is revival!


What do we do?

Set aside at least 1 hour each day

  1. WORSHIP (Extol the Lord and give thanks for all He has done.)
  2. WORD (Read big chunks of the bible – 5-10 chapters each day.)
  3. WAIT upon the Lord to reveal to you what you have read.
  4. GOD’S WILL – Align your will to His and pray into it.



Based on Psalm 16

Lord, You are my God and apart from You I have no good thing. You alone are my portion and my cup and You alone make my lot secure. You, O Lord, are my inheritance and my cup of blessing. The land of Malaysia that You have given me is a pleasant land – it is a wonderful inheritance.

Because of this, I ask You to teach me how to build this Holy Altar. Teach me to come before You each day and to offer You praises and to extol Your Holy Name. I Praise You, O Lord, for You will counsel me by day and even at night my heart will be instructed by You. Teach me, O Lord, to keep my eyes on You always. I declare that with You at my right hand I will not be easily shaken.

In the Glorious Name of my Master and Lord Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

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