Penang is known as the ‘Pearl of the Orient’, comprising of Penang Island and Penang Mainland.

The state government’s Vision 2030 is to be a ‘Family-focused Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation’.

There have been prophetic words that “Penang is like the umbilical cord. Just as an umbilical cord supplies nourishment to the baby, Penang provides life to sow prayer and seeds for the revival in Malaysia. The baby about to be born is the revival that God has planned for the nation. The Lord is asking the Church in Penang ‘Are you willing to pay the price for the revival to come?’”

  • PSALM 24:9 (Declare this Psalm over the gates of Penang)

Lift up your heads, O you gates!

And be lifted up, you everlasting doors!

And the King of glory shall come in.

  • PSALM 72:8 (Read this whole Psalm as we call upon the Lord Jesus to reign over Penang)

8 He shall have dominion also from sea to sea…

12 For He will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.

13 He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death.

14 He will rescue them from oppression and violence,

    for precious is their blood in His sight. 

17…Then all nations will be blessed through Him, and they will call Him blessed.

18 Praise be to the LORD God, the God of Israel,

    who alone does marvellous deeds.

19 Praise be to His glorious name forever;

    may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen.

  • DEUTERONOMY 28:13 (Pray this over ourselves as we seek His face)

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail… if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.



1. The Church/ Body of Christ in Penang

  • The pastors and spiritual leaders to have increasingly true unity and love for one another. The congregation to follow their example and see the churches of Penang as One in Jesus. For regular times of praying together, linking arms to work together to reach the harvest
  • Church leaders to have wisdom from God as they open up the churches physically, to build vibrant churches that will bring healing to the many who have been broken over the past 2         For God to move hearts that have drifted away, to return to Him.
  • For churches to be strong in prayer, standing in the gap for the state and nation, praying against the enemies’ attacks and praying for the destiny of Penang. Pray for a spiritual revival and awakening.
  • For healing anointing to be released to churches, to bring spiritual, emotional, mental, physical healing within the church and for the community.
  • For worship anointing to be released across the churches, causing songs of the land to arise and to awakened love for the Lord across congregations of all languages.


2. State administration

  • Pray for our Chief Minister to have wisdom from God, to seek His counsel and guidance in everything. For a wall of fire around his family.
  • Pray for him and his team so that Penang will receive favour and divine strategy from God, and receive great favour with the Federal government.
  • Pray for Penang to be a gateway city and to attract foreign direct investments. Pray for Penang to have strong infrastructure and development projects, thus allowing the flow of produce and trade to go into Malaysia.
  • Pray for mature state leaders to arise and assume their roles with authority with strong mutual cooperation for the benefit of the people. Pray against divisions and ungodly agendas.


3. Spiritual atmosphere

  • Pray for spiritual awakening in the land, for the Church to be sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit so that the church can overcome evil with good and allow the love of Christ and the fruit of love to flow into all the communities living in darkness.
  • Pray for darkness to flee and blind eyes to open as more holy altars of prayer are raised in churches, communities, homes and marketplaces so that incense rises day and night. Pray for many prayer lighthouses across the land to be established.
  • Pray for courageous believers to hunger and thirst for souls, and be willing to be sent to the harvest fields.


4. Repent of dark historical roots

Many dark historical roots were established in the land from its early founding. These include idolatry, freemasonry, addictions and gangsterism. In their desperation as newcomers to a foreign country, our forefathers had fears, insecurities and sicknesses that drove them to pursue material possession and seek the help of triads/ secret societies to protect themselves.  This brought in opium, prostitution, moonshine drink, gambling, exploitation of migrant labourers, sexual immorality, violence, pornography, human trafficking and abortion.

Because of this, Penang has become a magnet for addiction to gambling, alcohol and drug abuse through the generations. The time has come for us to repent and to cry to the Lord to cleanse the land and for Penang to be set free from this curse, so that Penang can rise to its prophetic destiny.


As the church of God in Penang, we come before You, Lord God Almighty to ask for Your forgiveness for:

  • Our ancestors who have opened the floodgates for darkness and evil to come in.
  • Keeping that association with groups that are involved in these vices, whether by surname, trade or location.
  • Allowing these vices to continue in our Penang community through our apathy, ignorance and silence.


We acknowledge and confess that our forefathers have, through these vices, corrupted our society and led to the loss of lives, poverty, family disintegration and other evils in our society.

We ask that as You forgive us, may You by Your mercy, please cleanse the land of Penang and break the generational curses over the people of Penang.

Cleanse us Lord, from all defilement of the land of Penang so that she can flourish.

3 May the mountains of Penang bring prosperity to the people,

    the hills the fruit of righteousness.

4 May our God defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy;

    may He crush the oppressor from Penang (Ps 72:3-4).


5. Next Generation

As God sets Penang free from the curse of the past, let us now pray:

  • For the next generation of leaders to arise in the church, marketplace and political realms; filled with courage and righteousness, with a love for building Penang and the nation, according to God’s purposes.
  • For a new spirit of learning to come upon the students in Penang as they go back to school. May they flourish even more and grow in wisdom.


6. The People of Penang

In line with our prayers of Psalm 72, we now pray for the welfare of the people of Penang:

  • In line with Vision 2030, that families will be strong, relationships healed where there have been hurts and divisions.
  • Those who have lost jobs and suffered in businesses will recover and find ways to earn and provide for their families, especially in the tourism sector which is a key economic driver in the state.
  • The Covid situation in Penang to be well controlled. The frontliners to be strong, stay in good health and well protected.



Lord, we pray that Penang will shine for the glory of the Lord!

As the people of God arise and press in to pray, we ask for a mighty Spiritual Awakening.

Lord, please help Penang birth forth the purposes of God, as the church holds the key. May the church in Penang grow in UNITY and may there arise WORSHIP that moves the heart and hand of God for this land, bringing Revival to the other states of Malaysia.

Lord, move Your church to love You more and seek first Your Kingdom and righteousness, and the people of God will not be distracted by the cares and temptations of this world. May we live for you and bring in the harvest of souls. Pour out Your Spirit, O Lord!

We declare Your Lordship over Penang!

In the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.