Prayer Of Consecration
Week 1 (1-7 Mar)
Almighty Lord and Our Heavenly Father, we give thanks to you for calling us out of darkness into your
marvellous light and taking us out of the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of Your Son. Today you have made us to be kings and priests through our Lord Jesus Christ to serve our God and Father (Revelation 1:6).
As I come before you to be part of Malaysia’s United FireWall I want to firstly consecrate myself so that I can be set apart in heart and mind and will to build this FireWall. As in the days of Joshua we do not know the way ahead of us (Joshua 3:4) so we want to set our hearts right and start this journey by setting aside 3 weeks to consecrate ourselves so that we can also look forward to this promise in Joshua 3:5 – “tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among us”.
You have told us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 to come before You humbling ourselves in prayer to seek Your face and to turn from our wicked ways so that You can hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our land. So now we humbly come before You to consecrate our time, bodies, hearts, minds and will.
- Consecration Of Time
I will set aside this time slot to come before You in prayer. (…….state the time )
Lord, as I come before Your throne of grace, I thank you for your mercy and grace to help me stay faithful to this call. May You help all of us (including my brothers and sisters) who have also committed ourselves to pray on this wall to break that spirit of slumber from the bride of Christ in Malaysia. - Consecration Of Heart
Read Psalm 51 and invite the Holy Spirit to create in us a clean heart.Your word Lord tells us that the heart of man is deceptive and desperately wicked and beyond cure (Jeremiah 17: 9-10). Therefore, at the outset of building this FireWall for Malaysia I ask You to search my heart and expose any hidden agenda, impure motives, self-deception and denial lurking inside me so that the enemy will not have a foothold in my life. I welcome the Holy Spirit to convict me so that I will repent and bear forth fruits in keeping with repentance. I thank You Lord Jesus that You say in your word that when I confess my sins You are faithful and just to purify me from all unrighteousness. I thank you for Your blood that atones for my sins and not just mine but for the sins of the whole world. I thank You that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (1 John 1:8-10; 2:2; Romans 8:1). - Consecration Of Mind
Make a decision to read at least 1-5 chapters of bible each day.Each time as you read reflect on
a)Who is God?
b)Why is God awesome and to be feared?
c)How does that affect your life?Almighty God, You have given us Your Word to renew our minds so that we will not conform to the pattern of thinking of this world but instead be transformed into a new mindset that seeks after Your ways (Romans 12:1-3). As I read Your word each day I pray that my love for You will grow more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that I may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:9-11).Almighty Lord I give all thanks to You for inviting me into this season of prayer.
May the Body of Christ be the light that shines like stars in the midst of a dark and depraved world. As we go out with the gospel may You Lord work with us and confirm your Word through accompanying signs and miracles so that truly the latter glory of the body of Christ in this nation will be greater than the former glory.
May our Nation come under your mercy and unmerited grace for the salvation of souls. May you turn Your Face towards us Lord to heal our land and send revival to Malaysia.