Restoration of Divine Order in The Body Of Christ

Week 6 & Week 7 (5-18 April)


Father, we thank You for Your amazing and immeasurable love for Your Church. Cause us, O God, to fathom the width, length, depth and height of Your love for us, that we may also love Your Church the way You do (Eph 3:17-19).

Lord, You modelled what You wanted Your Church to be when You were here on earth. You loved, served, taught, and healed people everywhere You went. You moved in Your authority over the powers of darkness and have given Your church Divine Order so that freedom, life, and blessings can follow. This is surely what You have intended for Your church.

  1. The Role of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers

to prepare Your people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up until we reach unity in faith and until we become mature, walking in the fullness of the character, ways and the authority & power of Jesus Christ – no longer being infants tossed to and fro, no longer deceived by false teachers and able to discern truth when we hear it and identify the heart behind it” (Eph 4:11-14).

Thank You for these five-fold ministry gifts that You have given so that the church of God will experience perfection, edification and unification. In this season, give us increased understanding of this divine order so that the Church of God in Malaysia will reach full unity in the faith and walk in the authority of the Risen Christ.

  1. Honouring the Spiritual Fathers in Malaysia

17 Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you (Hebrews 13:17).

Lord, You have placed a very high value on honour. Your word tells us to honour one another (Romans 12:10).

Lord, we declare we honour You and in so doing we also want to honour the men and women in the history of the church of God in our nation who have been an example to us.

Today, we want to honour the many current leaders, spiritual fathers and mothers of our Land who have pioneered paths for us to follow and paid a price for what we now enjoy.

  1. Honouring the Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists

Thank You Lord, for the many apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers of Your Word and evangelists that You have raised up in Malaysia. Lord, we declare that in this season You will fill them with such a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit that there will be an outpouring of new wine and new oil. May rivers of Living Water begin to flow into every church and may we all see the work of the Kingdom of God advance.

(Think of someone in the role(s) above and speak God’s blessings into his/her life and ministry.)



Lord, as You have said, in this new season, You are doing a new thing in our midst (Isaiah 43:19).

We declare therefore a new season is upon us. Winter is over and Spring is here. Indeed the cooing of the dove is heard in our Land (Song of Solomon 2:11).

No more will the Church of Malaysia be weak or fragmented. We declare restoration of divine order and supernatural unity coming upon us as we pray and as we take our position at the Firewall. The Fathers and Spiritual Leaders of our Land will rise up to assume their roles with authority and in unison, thereby releasing great grace as in the days of Acts of the Apostles (Acts 4:33), and with that, the rising up of our sons and daughters in their spiritual authority.

We declare that new wineskin is being prepared for the new wine that our Nation needs desperately, and great authority is coming upon the Body of Christ, such as never been seen before.

We declare that as the Church stands in unity, and as there is true honor and healing amongst our spiritual leaders, the full expression and beauty of our Lord Jesus will be manifested. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.