(28 Jun – 4 Julai 2021)



Ezekiel 22:30 (NIV)

30 “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”

Almighty God and Sovereign Lord over Malaysia, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we come before You this day as Your people; we come with contrite and repentant hearts:

  • We repent of our sins and the sins of the leaders of our land when
  • we have played the politics of racial discrimination, religious extremism, unrighteousness and injustice.
  • we have allowed rampant corruption to take place in the government.
  • we have allowed ourselves to become spiritually apathetic, hardened or despairing because of the state of our land.

We have also opened the door to the spirit of fear, superstition and animistic traditions in our land. Injustice stalks our land, and we have become a major transit point for global human trafficking.

  • We repent of these deep sins of our nation for sin is a reproach to YOU and a curse to our land.
  • Forgive us for our sins of commission and omission. We cry out to You for forgiveness today.
  • Cover us with the blood of Your Son Jesus and forgive us!
  • Let Your grace and mercy flow over our lives and heal us.
  • Redeem, Renew and Revive us again! Heal our land! For You are our only hope.
  • Without You O God, we have nothing and can do nothing.


  • Let the blood of Jesus flow today to nullify every curse, every spirit of witchcraft in high places.
  • We decree that the blood of Jesus breaks every stronghold of darkness over our land.
  • We decree the blood of Jesus exposes and destroys corruption, injustice and deception in high places in our nation.
  • We decree that Your Spirit will truly unite us as ONE church of faith, with the same heart, same voice and same vision for our land.
  • We decree that You will raise up a new generation of leaders of faith who hear Your voice, who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who are after Your heart, to lead us.


  • Let revival fall!
  • We decree that revival will come upon our land and the church in both East and West Malaysia: there will be repentance, salvations, signs and wonders, mass turning to You; joy, faith and love in Your church!
  • We decree this land will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
  • We decree that Your glory will fill our nation, that the name of Jesus will be lifted high over our land, that our shame will be removed, our nation will prosper, racial healing will take place, righteous and just leaders will arise in our land.
  • We decree that Your church will grow strong to withstand troubles and persecution, and not be fearful but stand in overcoming faith, for we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us.
  • We decree a spirit of intercession, praise, worship, thanksgiving and faith in Your church.
  • We decree that nothing, absolutely nothing, shall overcome Your purpose and Your church in this land!

We proclaim that YOURS is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory Forever and Ever, AMEN!


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